Home Town Road Trips

You don’t have to be going on a holiday to go on a road trip. Some of our favourite days as both a couple and family have been days we’ve just jumped in the car with no idea where we were heading or changed our mind and followed wherever the road took us.

Planning a road trip
Zig Zag Lookout, Gooseberry Hill, Perth

Today we loaded the small one into Bluella, our little blue car, packed some sandwiches, smoothies, icy water and hit the road. If you have travelled anywhere in a car with a five year old you’ll know a five minute trip feels like it’s taken you five hours. “Mum, where are we going?”, “Mum, I’m hungry”, “Mum, I’m thirsty”, “Mum, why do we wear underwear?”, “How old are you?”, “Are we there yet?”. Thankfully today’s road trip was a short one and it only took us half an hour to reach our picnic spot.

Planning a road trip
Car boot picnics

A couple of years ago when Jensen was three we were on the road, he was starving and screaming like a banshee for food. Being still half an hour away from home and a fast food restaurant being the only thing open in the area, we resorted to setting a little picnic up in the boot of the car for him . Our little monkey took a liking to the boot picnic and it’s been one of our little family traditions ever since.  So today we kept to tradition, parked our car next to a picture perfect view and watched as Jensen ate the entire contents of our picnic bag.

Planning a road trip

From high up on the hill side we had a great view of Perth city and the airport below. The boys had fun watching the planes as they took off and came in to land, trying to guess where they might have been travelling from or to.

Tips for the perfect road trip;

Pack your picnic. You might stumble across a hidden café, restaurant or deli, but you also may not. Be prepared and take anything you may need with you.

Don’t plan the entire trip. See where the road takes you. If you feel a sudden urge to turn left, do it.

Make sure you have any essentials you may need packed. If it’s sunny and you’re headed towards the water don’t forget your sunscreen, towels, or bucket and spades. If it’s wet and windy don’t forget your umbrella and coat.

A road trip isn’t a road trip without music. Plug in the iPod, pull out the old CD’s and mix tapes and don’t forget it’s the cheesiest songs that are the most fun to sing along to.

If you can, don’t take the roads you usually use. As Robert Frost may suggest, take the road less travelled. By taking a different route you give yourself more of an opportunity to discover new things.

Don’t forget your camera.

Planning a road trip
Photography skills of a five year old

Even if you don’t get out of the car, enjoy the view, the conversation or silence and sing-alongs. It doesn’t have to cost to make memories.

Have you been on a memorable road trip? Comment below, I’d love to hear it!