How To Save Money On Flights

Over the past four and a half years Reevesy and I have boarded our fair share of planes. For one reason or another each and every time we need or want to board a plane we’ve been on a budget. Consequently we’ve now become very good at getting where we need to be while handing over the least amount of money as possible.

save money on flights

Here are our top 7 tips to help you get the best deal;

Be flexible with dates and times

There are times where being flexible on your travel dates just isn’t possible but if you have the luxury of flexibility take advantage of it. On most online search engines you can now search by “month” this allows you to see fares for the whole month. Other options in searches may include “I just want the cheapest fare” or “I’m flexible with my dates”.

You can save hundreds just by being flexible with both days and times. Which means either a longer stay, a few more cocktails or a bit more towards your shopping budget!

Budget airlines are your new best friend

If you’ve previously avoided budget airlines STOP! Make them your best friend.

These days there isn’t a lot of difference between budget and premium airlines. You will still get everything you need, chair, seatbelt, safety features, toilet, TV, movies etc. The only real difference is if it’s a short flight you might not get a meal or drinks included but they usually have snacks and drinks that you can purchase on flight, or just pack your own.

I don’t know about you but I’m quite happy to give up “plane food” in order to save $100 or more.

Take the route less traveled

Direct flights might be easier but they’re not usually the cheapest. Sometimes you have to take the route less traveled to save yourself a few dollars.

It might mean a few stop overs in some obscure places but we think it’s worth it if your determined to get somewhere on your budget.

Online research

Reevesy and I agree that half the fun of a holiday is the planning and anticipation. While planning a trip we spend hours online researching flights, accomodation and things to do.

Do your research. Take the time to make sure your getting the best deal. There are so many online search engines to help you find the best prices, some of our favourites are;





Make sure the offers come to you

The best way of making sure you know when the sales and offers are on is by signing up for email alerts. Sign up to airlines like Tiger Air, Air Asia, Jet Star, Qantas and search engines like Expedia, Webjet etc.

This way if you are on the lookout for cheap flights they’ll come straight to your inbox.

Say no to credit

Try to pay on debit card over credit card to save yourself money on extra fees. When your on a budget and every dollar counts choosing debit over credit might mean an extra night out.

Let the sales guide you 

If your in need of a holiday but don’t mind where you go let the sales guide you. If there is an incredible deal on somewhere plan your trip around it. Not only will you save a lot of money but you’ll probably discover places you’d never thought of going to before.

save money on flights

The most important thing is research. Take the time to explore all your options. Figure out what you are and aren’t willing to compromise on to save money. Even if you aren’t on a strict budget I’m sure you wouldn’t say no to a few extra spending dollars. Just by following these tips we save hundreds of dollars each trip.

I don’t know about you, but if I really want to go somewhere, to tick somewhere else off my list, to experience somewhere new, I am quite happy to travel at 1am in the morning and take three different flights if I need to.

Happy exploring fellow wanderers.

“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list” – Susan Sontag