
Adrift – Floating without control; drifting; not anchored or moored

…and so, after holding on for so long, her hands cramped and in pain, feeling like they were unable to move. Her fingertips red raw after holding on with such sheer determination, she closed eyes and just let go. No longer did she stop the current from carrying her downstream. No longer did she stop the wind from carrying her into the clouds. She let go, allowing a higher force to take charge. Feeling the sense of freedom and relief wash over her like warm rain in a tropical thunderstorm. Washing all doubt and all pain away. Adrift in the world, floating. She was free. Finally at peace…

health wellness blog


I’m Amanda, and no, unfortunately I’m not Hawaiian, but a girl can dream. I am a self confessed and recovering control freak. I am 31 years young and in my time on Earth I have been through my fair share of ups and downs. I seem to attract change, consistent and persistent change.

For so long I let these series of constant events shape who I was, control how I felt. The moment I let go. The moment I stopped trying to control the world around me and just go where the wind takes me, my life and how I view it changed.

“You can not control the world, but you can control how you react to it” – Mindspo

health wellness blog

I love reading, writing, music, being out in nature, yoga, meditation and would describe myself as being spiritual without being religious.

Here, I want to share my thoughts, lessons learnt and experiences in the hope of helping others. Whether that’s something as simple helping you decide on a new beauty product, inspiring you to take a new approach to your health and fitness or helping you discover the path to self healing.

Thank you for visiting Amanda Adrift, don’t forget to say aloha!

Peace, love & coconuts,
