Inspired Life 30 Day Challenge

30 days to a more inspired life…

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck on auto pilot mode? Just going through the motions. Making it through each working week one day at a time with only the thought of the weekend pushing you through.

For so long I was only living for the weekend. Constantly living in either a past holiday or an upcoming one. Why? because holiday Amanda is care free, stress free, relaxed and spontaneous. She goes barefoot and makeup free with salty ocean hair. She tries new foods, lazes in the sun reading and stays up late staring at the stars.

Reality is that the majority of us need to work for a living and we can’t spend our days lazing on the beach or by the pool.  Part of the 30 day challenge however, is to help you introduce a bit of that holiday mentality into your everyday life. To encourage you to try new things and create a daily habit of finding the joy, peace and calm in everyday life.

inspired life 30 day challenge

With the ever present influences from social media, movies, television and media, more and more people are suffering from depression, anxiety and stress, feeling disillusioned and unsatisfied. Although these outlets have  the power to do, share and create some wonderful and inspiring content, they can also be incredibly toxic. These outlets sell the idea of this perfect life, career, body, partner or family. In the process however we have become disillusioned and unsatisfied. The truth is, there is no perfect, but I want to tell you right now, that you ARE enough. You are one of a kind, strong and have the power to create the life you want.

I can’t stress how important it is remove yourself from these connections form time to time. Switch off the TV, leave your phone at home and truly immerse yourself in the moment and the people around you. In becoming connected to the world, we have lost the connections that matter the most, the ones with our friends, family and ourselves. I hope that through this challenge you can repair some of those connections.

Inspired Life 30 Day Challenge

So, are you ready to inspire your day to day life? I have put together 30 days of challenges. Challenges that will hopefully help you to think, feel and act a little differently. By the end of the 30 days I hope that you will have created some new habits, perhaps found a new way of helping reduce those stress levels, learnt how important it is to make time for yourself and find the happiness in every day.

Don’t forget to tag me in any of your posts on social media (@amandaadrift and #inspired30), I’d love to see how you’re doing and cheer you on!

Below you’ll find both the Inspired Life 30 Day Challenge calendar, along with a blank one should you need to rearrange the challenges to suit you and an e-book which includes a brief description for each challenge.

Good luck! I can’t wait to see how you go!

Peace, love & coconuts,


Download the Inspired Life 30 Day Challenge Calendar

Inspired Life 30 Day Challenge Calendar Blank


inspired life 30 day challenge

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