Immunity Glow Superfood Shot – For Clear Glowing Skin & An Immunity Boost

superfood shot recipe

Acne, spots, pimples, I’m so glad my spotty fourteen year old self didn’t know that she would still be struggling with them 16 years later. Bad skin is one of those things you thought you wouldn’t have to deal with after your teen years. Perhaps one of the benefits of getting old. I definitely didn’t think it would still be such a major concern as a thirty year old but, alas, it is.

Thanks to hormonal problems and holding on to a bit too much stress, in early 2015 my skin flared up, bad, the worst it’s ever been. It got to the point where makeup wouldn’t cover it and I would spend far too much time just staring at myself in the mirror crying. It’s amazing how something that can seem so small to others can have such a huge impact on your confidence. If, I left the house, I felt like everyone was staring at me, I felt horrible and dirty. Of course they weren’t, but it’s all your mind can focus on.

superfood shot recipe

After trying a few medications and every product under the sun, natural, chemical ridden, organic, expensive, cheap, you name it I tried, I gave in and went to the doctors. I was given a prescription for Doxycycline and a topical cream, which I can’t for the life of me remember what it was called, but I ended up being allergic to it so didn’t use it.

Being someone that will always try to take the more natural route, I felt a bit guilty about giving in to antibiotics, but two months down the track when I looked like a new person, the little vain monster inside got the better of me and I didn’t care. For once I had nearly perfectly clear skin.

As time wore on though, I realised that they were only masking the deeper issue and as soon as I stopped taking them the spots would return. Which soon showed itself to be true. If I ran out and couldn’t get to the chemist in time, even if I only missed a few days, for some reason, the mini Himalayas that used to reside on my face would start to return one by one.

So after being on the antibiotics for over seven months I decided it was time to make some changes. Since the doctors weren’t being much help I decided to do some research and try to find a solution for myself.

Luckily the day I decided to ditch the antibiotics I came across a post on Instagram by Sarah’s Day that has literally changed my life.

Sarah had posted a photo of her homemade Immunity Glow shot and something in me went, yup, that’s it, that’s my answer.

I spent some time researching ingredients, focusing on the two things that concern me most, my skin and digestive system. I hit the supermarket and threw out the antibiotics, which at the time felt empowering but now that I look back on it seems a bit over confident.

However, I am so happy I went with the little voice in my head that yelled “DO IT”! Those little, or loud, voices usually tend to get me in trouble, but this time they were spot on!

superfood shot recipe

I seriously cannot believe how amazing this Immunity Glow – Superfood Shot is, I’m so ridiculously happy with the results I want to scream, swear and cry all at the same time. I’ve not felt this happy and confident in a long time.

None of the below photos are the least bit flattering, the second one especially makes me cringe, can still see the tears in my eyes, but I really wanted to share them. I really wanted to show you what you can achieve with the right nutrients. Obviously the antibiotics helped a lot, but it still wasn’t completely clear. After three weeks on the Immunity Glow shots I’ve noticed a massive difference.

This little shot of goodness may smell and taste like grass clippings (I may or may not have to hold my nose to get it down), but it has many benefits, clear, glowing skin, helping aid digestion, reducing inflammation, flushing out toxins and assisting your immune system, just to name a few.

superfood shot recipe

Immunity Glow – Superfood Shot Recipe

1 Teaspoon Tropeaka Ultra Cleanse

1 Teaspoon turmeric

1/2 A lemon (juice)

1/2 An orange (juice)

50 mls Aloe Vera inner leaf juice

Shake or blend (I prefer to blend, no lumps) and you’re ready to go!

*If you struggle with the taste, hold nose, skull and have a water chaser ready to go!

Peace, love & coconuts,



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